

Do you need a global solution for merchandise?

Global merchandise

Our latest order out the door offers our client a true global solution. Read more here.

10 Downing Street

10 Downing Street

JDR Branding have been invited to 10 Downing Street later this month as part of a "Small Business" growth initiative.

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To Promote... or not to promote... that is the question. OR is it?

Many businesses use promotional products to promote their brand and corporate identity, after all it's a powerful tool. However, are they doing it well?


Picnic tables - but not as you know it !

From our Crafted by JDR selection, we offer a range of outdoor seating solutions aimed at our Drink brand clients that want something different

Crafted by JDR

The Crafted by JDR selection offers a POS, tailored product solution, relevant to the individual needs of Craft Beer brands in today’s growing market

Bixi  Lifestyle Wireless Connection

Sensor reaction allows you to use Bluetooth connected products without contact - read more here with JDR Branding.

LuminAID  Let there be light !

LET THERE BE LIGHT … a simple inflatable, solar powered pillow with carry handle - click here to read more.